Canby United Methodist Church
"The Whole Life Learning Place"

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We have a very active group in the Canby United Methodist Women who support our church, community and worldwide needs. 

Official Online Ministry of the United Methodist Church (National)

General Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church (Global)

One Great Hour of Sharing - United Methodist Committee on Relief - General Board of Global Ministries

 Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (Conference)

Missions of the Oregon-Idaho Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (Missions) (Western District Newsletter)



Canby United Methodist Church
 1520 North Holly Street
 Canby, Oregon 97013
 Phone 503-263-6419 Fax 503-266-8103

Church office hours: 
Monday - Thursday 9:30 am - 2:30 pm
Pastor Karen Shimer
Administrative Assistant - Cheryl Maahs